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Williamson College’s Ministry Formation Program is designed to integrate the student’s academic program, a student’s on-going ministry activities, the P.L.A.C.E assessment tools and the Ministry Formation Advising Program. The goal is to ensure that the students are involved in robust ministry formation that better equips them to faithfully fulfill God’s call upon their lives in the present and the future. The program is designed to address topics such as spiritual growth, career development, decision making, life balance and goal setting. An introduction of the program is given in the orientation class and students are informed about participation.

During their time at the college, students also meet with a Ministry Formation Advisor to help guide them in the ministry formation process.

The program is for all students, undergraduate and graduate. This includes both ministry and business students enrolled at the College.

– Staff of Williamson College
– Faculty from the major areas: Business Administration and Ministry Leadership
A Ministry Formation Advisor is a volunteer position, different than a student’s academic

-Conduct four meetings on average per year with students
-Reach out on an ongoing basis by emails and/or phone calls as needed
-Have informal visits over a meal, coffee, etc.

Some topics of discussion include:
1. Personal advice
2. Theological understanding
3. Spiritual direction
4. Program minors & elective courses (in conjunction with academic advisors)
5. Christian/Community Service suggestions
6. Professional advice
7. Career counseling
8. Vocational guidance

If you are a current student and have a question about this program, please contact the
Director of Ministry Formation, Professor Jerry Owens: 615-771-7821



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