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Omega Nu Lambda was formed to recognize online students to create community, provide encouragement and acknowledge students through their academic successes.


Omega Nu Lambda, a national honor society offered for online students, congratulates the following members as recognized by Williamson College, Lambda Chapter of ONL.

The members below met the criteria of completing 15 hours of online studies with a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or better, and chose to join the Honor Society once they received the invitation.

Omega Nu Lambda’s mission is to enhance the online experience by acknowledging, encouraging, and connecting the online student community.

We applaud each of you for your academic achievement!

We proudly present Williamson College, Omega Nu Lambda, Lambda Chapter’s, Spring Class of 2023!

Benjamin Erik Cannon
Stephanie Carlson
Brendan Michael Gough
Aidan Brent Holman
Jadyn Hudson
Elena Perelygina
Brittany Porter
Cassandra Gabriella Alicia Simmons
Cayla Stewart
Carrie Grace York




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