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Biblical Study Classes & Trips

Williamson College professor, Kristi McLelland, is a seasoned traveler when it comes to the Middle East. For many years she has been taking groups of students on Biblical Study trips to Israel. Students not only receive class credit for participating in the trip, but also a once in a lifetime experience!

She is also the professor of the 12-week Israel Class:

The 12-Week Israel Class is designed to biblically prepare our teams for their 2-week biblical study trips in Israel. We will study the Scriptures through the Middle Eastern Lens understanding that the entire Bible was written by Middle Easterners in a Middle Eastern context. Understanding culture, geography, language and cultural customs ADDS so much understanding when reading through the Bible. We are going to see time and time again that God is BETTER than we ever knew. Each class is a mixture of teaching and small group discussion married to viewing pictures and DVD’s of sites we will visit when we go to Israel. Students earn 3 college credits for participating in the 12-Week Israel Class and they earn an additional 3 college credits for participating on the 2-week biblical study trip to the Holy Land.

Textbook: A Visual Guide to Bible Events by Dr. James C. Martin

Learn More about these opportunities:


Watch these short clips from the Israel Class:



Clifton & Alfreda Harris – We were not prepared for the awesomeness of Israel. It was unbelievable to walk in the place where God carried out his master plan of salvation through Jesus. Both of us have been believers practically all our lives and it was like going home, actually seeing what we’ve always believed. We felt like we understood the depth of God’s love for the very first time through the daily Bible studies through the Middle Eastern lens. This trip exposed Jesus in such a way that we returned home deeper in love with Him and more determine now than ever to share Him with others. 1 Corinthians 2:9 list “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the thing which God has prepared for those who love Him.” He gave us a small glimpse on earth through Israel of what is yet to come.