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Kristi McLelland is a speaker, teacher, and professor at Williamson College. Since completing her Masters in Christian Education at Dallas Theological Seminary, she has dedicated her life to teaching people how to study the Bible for themselves, teaching, preaching, discipleship, writing about how God is better than we ever knew by teaching the Bible through a Middle Eastern lens. Her great desire for people to truly experience the love of God has birthed her desire to lead biblical study trips to Israel, Turkey & Greece.

Her teaching focuses heavily on the idea that believers need to be postured to receive what God is saying and the best way to experience scripture is communally. Kristi teaches about the goodness of God, experienced through table fellowship, practicing hospitality and collaborative wisdom.

Kristi has taught hundreds of students and shepherded thousands of parishioners during her years as a professor at Williamson College and Director of Christian Education and Women’s Ministry at local churches. Since 2008 she has led trips to Israel and studied and trained under Dr. Jim Martin, Rabbi Ken Alpren, and the world-renowned Israeli archeologist Dr. Gabi Barkay.

Kristi’s trips to Israel, Turkey, and Greece along with the Middle Eastern Lens classes help Western Americans study and appreciate the Bible as a text that was written by Middle Easterners in the Middle Eastern context, culture, language and custom and history. Studying the Bible through the Middle Eastern Lens provides a deeper look into what the biblical characters meant in what they did, said and wrote. Not only are we able to better understand the framework in which the Bible was written, but we are also able to better open our eyes, ears and hearts to the living God who is constantly pursuing us with His love, grace, compassion and truth.

Kristi is available to help individuals, colleges, small and large groups, and church congregations dive deeper into the Middle Eastern Lens.


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