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2017 Commencement Address

Todd Wilson: “Putting Both Oars in the Water”

Williamson College was privileged to have Todd Wilson, founder, and director of Exponential, as our 2017 commencement speaker. Todd delivered a thought provoking message that encouraged not only our students but all in attendance to step outside of the “GAP between having life and taking hold of it more abundantly.” He gave practical application steps to begin this process and charged us to evaluate our perspectives and pursue our unique calling “through the lens of our general calling to make disciples.” 
We believe Todd’s message is for anyone who has a desire to be on mission for Christ. Please take the time to listen and share this empowering message with others. 



Todd Wilson, is founder and director of Exponential, a national non-profit ministry. He received a B.S. degree in nuclear engineering from North Carolina State University and a master’s degree equivalent from the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory.

Wilson’s ministry focuses on distributing thought leadership through conferences, books, podcasts, software and small-group learning communities.He spends most of his time engaged in a wide range of leading edge and pioneering initiatives aimed at helping catalyze movements of healthy, reproducing churches. He also is passionate about seeing people discover and deploy their unique personal calling.