Undergraduate Admission
Williamson College invites applications from students who will contribute to, as well as benefit from, the educational process offered by the College. Each applicant is evaluated on an individual basis in regards to academic preparation and potential. Prospective students are encouraged to visit the College to learn more about specific degree programs and our unique educational environment. Undergraduate admission is intended to serve those desiring to complete an associate or bachelor degree program or attend classes for personal enrichment.
Prospective students may apply online: Apply Online!
Undergraduate admission applications are accepted on a rolling, continual basis for all programs and for individual classes for personal enrichment. Applicants who meet the criteria necessary for admission will be notified in writing. Applicants who do not meet the criteria and are not approved for admittance will also be notified in writing. All students must provide their own laptop computer.
- Complete the online Undergraduate Application and forms by clicking here.
- Submit a $50 nonrefundable application fee by clicking here or make checks or money orders payable to Williamson College.
- Submit an admissions essay, specifics found by clicking here.
- Request official high school transcripts be forwarded directly from the high school to the Office of Admissions. Official transcripts may be sent electronically directly from the institution to admissions@williamsoncc.edu or through the National Clearinghouse Network (the college is listed as “Williamson Christian College” in the network). For applicants currently enrolled as seniors in high school, transcripts may be submitted containing information through the end of the junior year to establish provisional admittance. Upon graduation, a final transcript documenting the date of graduation must be forwarded to the WC Office of Admissions directly from the high school
- Applicants who have served in the United States Armed Forces should request official military transcripts for the Office of Admissions. Information about requesting joint service transcripts electronically is available here: https://jst.doded.mil/official.html (the college is listed as “Williamson Christian College” in the JST network).
- Submit an official ACT report with a minimum composite score of 18 or an official SAT report with a minimum composite score of 890; this requirement is optional for students over 21 years of age or with previous postsecondary college experience. The ACT code for Williamson College is 4034. Copies of ACT scores may be ordered by calling (319) 337-1313 or online: https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/scores/sending-your-scores.html. The SAT code for WC is 7388. SAT scores may be ordered online at https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/scores. ACT/SAT scores on an official high school transcript are acceptable.
- Applicants will need to demonstrate a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. For applicants who cannot demonstrate a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 an ASSET exam will be administered by Williamson College. Applicants must pass exam with a satisfactory score.
- Applicants who did not graduate from high school must present proof of high school equivalency; General Educational Development (GED) documentation indicating a minimum composite score of 45 may be submitted. GED transcripts may be sent electronically to admissions@williamsoncc.edu
- Applicants who have completed dual enrollment or concurrent credit at a college or university while enrolled in high school must request an official academic transcript be forwarded directly to Williamson College from each college or university attended. Official transcripts may be sent electronically directly from the institution to admissions@williamsoncc.edu or through the National Clearinghouse Network (the college is listed as “Williamson Christian College” in the network) Please note: Any applicant who fails to acknowledge prior attendance at any college or university will be subject to dismissal from Williamson College.
Checking the Validity of a Student’s High School Completion
If Williamson College has reason to suspect an applicant’s high school diploma, transcript or other information is fraudulent or not valid, Administration (Admissions Manager and Registrar) will investigate the matter. The College reserves the right to deny or rescind admission in cases where fraudulence is found.
- If Administration doubts validity of high school completion, student will be required to submit official high school diploma or transcript with completion date.
- If student does not produce proof, Administration will contact the state Department of Education in which the student completed high school for confirmation.
- If state Department of Education cannot produce proof, Administration will deny or rescind admission to the college.